Category: Fraudside

Freshmen Off Campus…Forever?

After the great success of the recent Freshmen off Campus motion, Council passed an amendment to the motion last week which would prevent Freshmen from returning. The new section of the motion states that...


HHS Time Capsule found, openers missing

A while ago an article was run about a fabled missing time capsule hidden somewhere in HHS. The author (Sadhya) could not find evidence that the capsule was even buried despite extensive research. But...

Luxury villa pool deck at dusk

“Hot Tub Motion” Passes In Landslide

The so-called “Hot Tub” motion has passed in Council after only a 5-minute discussion; it’s expected to be signed by Mr. Campbell in the coming days. The motion will bring a hot tub into...

Fraudside: New Rules for Assassin this spring

During the Assassin game this spring, staff members will be allowed one water balloon inside their specific classrooms or in the hallways or more open spaces, and with this water balloon they may target...

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Fraudside: New MI Offerings

The March Intensive Committee is pleased with the level of student-engagement in the varied offerings this year. In an effort to build more enthusiasm as well as to address the complaints of a few...