HHS Broadside
Ozone Apocalypse: An Editorial
By Vaughn Steiner Acute gaseous pollutant damage to red maple leaves. All leaves on the tree are chlorotic (pale yellow).Photo:http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-022/430-022.html In the spring of 2008, I began to notice that the all the pines and...
Broadside Art Contest! Great Prizes!
Art Contest!! Enter your paintings, sculptures, collages, photographs, or other artwork by Thursday, October 29th, 2010. Photos of your work may be submitted to broadside@dresden.us. Winners will be announced in the October 30th Broadside...
Mr. Murphy on HHS Democracy
I KNOW THAT YOU DIDN’T ASK ME, BUT …. Hanover High School is a great school, but it could be better. Hanover High School is a democratic school, but it could be improved. ...
The Junction: A Video Report by Rowan Dunfey and Simone Serat
The Junction from Rowan Dunfey on Vimeo.
Hello, Hanover High! Welcome to the new and improved Broadside 2010! To start off the year, your new editors here at the Broadside have decided to add some new features to the paper to...
Dresden Budget: What the Community Thinks
by Sarah Ramírez “It’s hard to believe that your input is going to make a difference, but I’d like to believe it does, because it’s so important to our community.” A Dresden Cost Reduction...
Thursday’s Public Forum: A Summary
by Rachel Margolis The first half of Thursday’s public forum in the auditorium consisted of a presentation by the Dresden Cost Reduction Committee, the ad hoc committee tasked with formulating ideas that could reduce...
Cost Reduction at Hanover High School
By Rachel Margolis Like many other schools, Hanover High School—along with the rest of the Dresden School District—has been facing some financial uncertainty of late. The most substantial loss is the $500,000 in revenues...