2nd Quarter Council Report

Council has had a very productive year so far! Let’s address the elephant in the room: the mascot. On Wednesday, February 2, Council confirmed the new mascot election timeline, brought to us by the wonderful members of the Mascot Committee who put so much work into it. After February break, the school community will choose the name of our new mascot, and then we will start the process of choosing a design! Council passed the Name Card Motion just in time for second semester, and we’re thrilled to see how enthusiastically it has been received by the HHS community. Council also spent several meetings debating honors social studies classes. Ultimately a resolution recommending honors social studies failed, however, this is far from the end of this discussion and possible curriculum change. We will discuss the topic again in future meetings, so please come if the idea of honors social studies classes interests you! The most common opinion by the end of the debate was that “challenge by choice” social studies honors classes (similar to how the english department provides honors english classes) are the best option. A few months ago, we passed the Time for Time Motion. This motion states that if you have five unexcused tardies, you can spend time (such as a lunch period) in the main office instead of being scheduled up as you were before. Soon after this, we passed the Three Tests in a Day Motion. If you have three tests all scheduled for one day, you can switch any one of those tests to take on a different day. You must talk to your teachers in advance and get a shamrock sheet from the office. This motion ensures that (with some planning and initiative from a student) they will not be forced to overwork themselves. Council meets every Wednesday at 11am in the auditorium! Bring your lunch and a friend, and stay tuned for lots of exciting new motions during the second semester. 

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