Judiciary Committee Candidate Qualifications (2018-19)
The annual election this year for members of the Judiciary Committee (J-Comm) will be held on Tuesday, October 2nd. Voting will take place in front of the library, and each student can vote for one or two members of their own class. Before you cast in your votes next week, read below to find out why each candidate in your class decided to run for J-Comm:
Class of 2022
Emanuel Bowie-Reimers
I would love to be more involved with the democratic society that is Hanover high school. I think that I would be a good candidate for JCOM because I have a strong sense of government and good judgment. I think that JCOM could provide a good learning experience for me and get me more involved with HHS. I think that JCOM is an does good work for this school and I think that it makes HHS a better place. I am all about the students having a voice and I think that I would be a great addition to the JCOM team.
Alex Rockmore
My name is Alex Rockmore, and I am running for JCOMM as a member of the class of 2022. I would like to be a member of this body because I think that it is a very interesting and important part of the governance that sets Hanover apart from many other high schools around the country. The restorative justice program at Hanover is crucial in the way that it allows for a check on the punitive power of the administration. I think that I am a good JCOMM candidate because I am responsible and reasonable which would allow me to make good decisions about the consequences some of our students face. As was shown with my election to Council, my peers trust my judgment and have faith in my ability to make good decisions. In the speech, I gave when I ran for council last year I talked about making sure that Hanover is a good representation and prepares students well for the outside world and I think that the restorative justice program is an ingenious way to represent the way the real world works in terms of courts and appeals. Also, I work hard in my classes and that is an important skill to have when working on a committee that will at times require hard work. Overall, I think that I will be a strong and reasonable voice on JCOMM and I believe I am worthy of the trust that is required to be a member of this body.
Shantel Zhou
Every person was born as equals. Unfair treatment of students, whether it is based on your age, disability, sex orientation, gender, race or religion, will always be an issue in schools. This unfair treatment could have lasting impacts on student’s lives. Students may experience depression, anxiety, sadness, emptiness, guilty, mental health problems, increased stress, and suicidal thoughts and actions. My goal is to make sure that students are protected against any unfair treatment in school. JCOMM is one of the most important ways I would help protect students.
Through JCOMM, we can support people who are treated unfairly by investigating promptly, reviewing evidence, considering confidentiality, prevent retaliation, making the right judgment, etc. to reduce the harm of the discrimination to the least. It will be a complete and effective action against the discriminations. That is why I want to join JCOMM!
Class of 2021
Katie Stannard
I believe I would be a good candidate for the Judicial Committee because I have taken the last year to get a good sense of our school, the rules, how each class groups itself, and how the teachers run their classrooms. I am fair minded and able to see different points of view while holding people accountable for their actions, which is the mission of J Comm. There are situations when emotions are involved and bringing that forward where J Comm can be an intermediary to help resolve the situation in the best manner possible, and I could help make a decision without the inflamed emotions. I participate in many extracurricular activities like clubs and sports; through these activities, I have been able to meet a lot of the students at Hanover High School who take different classes with different teachers, so I have a good understanding of different students lives. The clubs and sports I partake in have also helped me to develop my skills of talking with adults/ teachers and to see their points of views and understandings of a teacher’s’ life at Hanover. I think the people closest to me would say that I take my time to make decisions and to weigh the different arguments before I make a decision which I think is an important attribute to have as a J Comm member. I have a clear understanding and belief in our school’s mission statement to use our minds, hearts, and voices as a whole community of staff and students and I believe I can make decisions on J Comm to represent our statement. Finally, I would like to thank you for supporting me.
Owen Stannard
My name is Owen Stannard and I am running for re-election to Hanover High Schools Judiciary Committee or Jcomm. Firstly, you may be confused about what J-Comm is, it is a group of two representatives from each grade and 2 teachers who meet when a problem has been brought up by another student about disciplinary actions taken by their teachers. Jcomm then discusses if the cause is worthwhile and if yes, will hold a hearing and make a final adjustment based on the evidence provided and what the Handbook says about it.
Now more about myself, I have two sisters, I participate in fall soccer, downhill ski racing and spring crew and I play the cello. I would be a good student representative because I feel I am easy to talk to no matter what grade you are in. I am also good at seeing many different sides of problems and finding compromises that both sides can agree to. I am a very hard working student athlete and will commit myself completely to cases when they arise. Finally after being on J-Comm for a year I have noticed that it is under explained and isn’t being used to its fullest which I will try to fix. I would greatly appreciate your vote.
Class of 2020
Eric Goodney
Hello, my name is Eric Goodney and I am a student of the class of 2020. I have attended Hanover High School for all of my high school career so far. My favorite subjects are Math and Science and my favorite elective is currently Computer Programming. Outside of academics, I enjoy participating in team sports including cross country running, alpine skiing, and rowing. When I am not studying or at practice I enjoy biking and hiking with my family. I have two younger siblings; one of which is currently a freshman. I would make a good JCOMM candidate due to my ability to understand the motives of events from multiple perspectives. A goal I have in mind is to make students of Hanover High feel more comfortable about coming forward with issues they feel need to be addressed. I am capable of achieving this goal as I feel that I am approachable by all. I hope to examine every case with an open mind and provide both sides of each case with the attention they deserve. I also thrive at working with others after years of participating on sports teams. Additionally, I hope to ensure that the administration makes their decisions on each case based on criteria from the student handbook. I also hope that students build and maintain a trust in their JCOMM committee. I feel I am a responsible student and would be a valuable addition to JCOMM. I’d appreciate if I could have your vote this year!
Clay Kynor
My name is Clay Kynor, and here is why I think I would be a perfect fit for JComm. First and foremost, I take 7 classes, so I can relate to the pressures of everyday school life more than most. I am also part of an acapella group at Hanover, was part of Council for 2 previous years starting again next semester (because someone is dropping out, so they have to be replaced), have been Co-Chair of the Administrative Committee for 2 years. I am the Chair of the Community Service Ad Hoc Committee, and instead of forcing legislation on people, I am trying to integrate fun community service into HHS. I also went to Newton Middle School, so I think I have a really neat perspective on the school and it’s workings other than that of the Richmond or Lyme kids, as I’ve experienced a different schedule, no student council, and even whole different approaches to learning. And lastly, but definitely not the least, I always try to be the nicest I possibly can to people, which I know might seem like not a very accomplish-defining trait, but if you’re trying your hardest to listen and respect other people’s viewpoints no matter how they might differ from your own, I think you make a good leadership figure. Thank you for your consideration!
Arabella Meacham-Snyder
Hello, my name is Arabella Meacham-Snyder and I am currently a junior at HHS. I am a three-season athlete who participates in various clubs at HHS, and is eagerly looking for an opportunity to employ my voice by having a role on JCOMM. I am running for JCOMM because I am interested in our school’s system and would enjoy participating in our school’s judiciary branch. I feel as though my input in JCOMM would benefit this school’s judgement system immensely because of my ability to always give 110% effort into every goal I set my mind to. My personality can be described as down-to-earth, determined, and an overall independent person but reliable when it comes to decision making. I am also a compassionate, yet brutally honest person who is always confident in giving unbiased feedback on any problem. I never realized that I had the opportunity to apply for this position; nevertheless, I am very interested and hopeful that I could become a part of it. If elected, I would promise to see both the students’ standpoints and give them a clean slate in my mind, while also keeping a firm grip on the school’s regulations and being prepared to uphold them, no matter who broke them. This would preserve the “innocent until proven guilty” concept that members in all judiciary positions keep in mind. By using my heart, expressing my voice, and applying my mind, I would make decisions regarding the actions and consequences of students at our school.
Sophie Mitchell
JComm has been really important to me since freshman year. If elected this would be my third year on JComm which only means that I love it. My experience has allowed me to really appreciate our democratic system and I love being able to have a role in it. I feel that I am a very reasonable and understanding person who can sympathize with both my classmates and teachers. I think I am easy to come to and I like to be a hand of support for my classmates and friends. I am able to get deep into topics and I am very passionate about making the atmosphere of the school a safe and a happy place to learn. This goal cannot be accomplished if students feel like they have been mistreated, which is why JComm is so important. I understand that the rules of the handbook aren’t always understanding of the specific details of situations that they are applied to, which is why I have always started a case with the view that the student is not guilty until proven otherwise. After all, the Justice System is meant to protect the innocent, not convict the guilty. Out of the junior class candidates, I have done the most to protect our rights as students and people. I will always keep in mind the opinions of my peers and will never rush to a decision without knowing everything is to know. I am not afraid to speak up and defend my position and always think: what would my peers think? How would they vote? Because, after all, I am a representative and I will not just represent one person or group of friends but a whole variety of people. I can provide useful and fair insight into the conversation because I am not afraid to speak my mind when defending the positions of my pears. So, vote for me if you want a fair trial!
Sylas Oberting
I believe that I would be a good member of J-Comm because I provide an impartial vote to ensure that all decisions are just. My vote will always be backed by evidence, and all punishments will fit the severity of their actions. It is important to listen to voices of both sides and fellow J-comm members and I will take their opinions into consideration. Punishment is sometimes necessary, while other times it is important give someone a second chance. Often punishment can be too harsh when the administration does not fully understand the details of a situation. I believe that everyone in our school deserves equal chance and has the right to speak up about something if it is wrong.
I think that being on J-Comm is an important and powerful position, and one that should be taken seriously. If someone is elected who bends the rules, cheats, and ignores the handbook, then you cannot have confidence in that person holding the administration and the teachers accountable. If elected, I will ensure that teachers cannot skirt around the rules of the handbook while at the same time, they bring down the hammer on students who make mistakes. When this happens, it creates an environment where hypocrisy is rampant, and where there is no faith in the rules which should apply to everyone. If our school is to be as democratic as we claim to be, we need to ensure that every person, whether they are a student, a teacher, or an administrator, are bound by the rules outlined in the handbook. The people in this school deserve an honest J-Comm, and that is what I represent.
Sydney Read
Fair representation is crucial for our democracy to work at HHS, and I want to be a part of deciding and representing all parties fairly. It’s important to me that people feel that they are being heard, and as a member of JComm, I would ensure their beliefs had been voiced and acknowledged.
I have always had a passion for justice, and specifically for law in politics. My hope is that in the future, I will be involved in the government of the United States of America. JComm would be a great opportunity for me to understand democracy and government, even in a small community such as Hanover High School.
I have been consistently recognized for working with those in my community, which is a key skill for being in JComm. To work with other people on the jury and serve justice to the community is crucial, and I will excel at this. Also, I have skill in clarifying issues and I also have, what I believe to be, a strong moral compass. Much like my work within the community, my strong moral compass has been consistently recognized as well. I have a history of community orientation, in doing what is best for others within that community. Due to my abilities and passion for being in an organization such as JComm, I would be a great candidate for JComm, and I hope to be a part of it in the future.
Lucy Roback
I think I would make a good J- comm representative because I can easily determine reasonings behind actions, I always want to hear everyone’s side of the story, and I am not quick to judge a person based on actions or opening remarks. High school is hard enough and sometimes teachers jump to conclusions because they expect us to act as adults. I am often able to see and understand both sides of the story and what may have prompted a specific action. I am quick to defend the underdog and I value everyone’s opinion. However I also respect the privacy of students and understand that one mistake does not determine your character. However some people are quick to judge and incomplete and harsh judgements can tarnish someone’s reputation for years to come. I love dealing with student issues especially when going against a higher authority which is why I’ve always loved the idea of J-Comm. I interact with a wide range of students and understand that the pressures applied to us can sometimes force us to make risky decisions.
Justin Zhou
It is the job of the Judiciary Committee to guarantee every student, no matter your race, gender, or income, the same fair treatment. If you feel as though you have been treated unfairly because of your race, you’re not alone. 57% of dropouts in the United States are minority students. If you feel as though you have been treated unfairly because of your gender, you’re not alone. If you feel as though you have been treated unfairly because of your income, you are not alone. If you are being treated unfairly for any reason, it is the job for the Judiciary Committee to uphold the rules and virtues of the community and to bring justice. Though Hanover High School might not be affected by the major discrimination issues facing the United States today, I believe that any unfair treatment can have an impact on emotional well being, which can have long term consequences on their future. It may cause low self-esteem, emotional instability, or a negative working attitude. That is why it is so important for fair treatment in our High School and our community. That’s why I want to participate in JCOMM to help work with others resolve these issues as soon as possible in order to minimize any negative consequences of unfair treatment.
Class of 2019:
Gary Li
As a former two-year member, I am running for JCOMM again because I want to make a difference in the school and help those who feel that they are being mistreated by their teachers. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to bring their disciplinary cases to the committee if they believe they are being falsely punished. I also believe that students at HHS should be aware that JCOMM is here to help them. I know for a fact that many students are not always aware of the actions and the powers of JCOMM, and I want to spread the word out to others and encourage students to bring their cases to this committee. I am running because I know that I can make fair, unbiased decisions and also because I know that I can make a positive contribution to the committee and ultimately the school. I am vocal and not afraid to share my opinions with others. I am someone who will stand up for what he believes in, but will also consider and listen to the ideas of others. I will fight for those who I know are being treated unfairly. I know that I can make a difference in the school community, especially because as a member both my sophomore and junior year, I know the ropes of the system. I hope that you all will vote for me again to give me another opportunity to help represent you in times of need.
Oliver Parrado
Elect me because after 2 years serving on JCOMM and as the interim chair, I know that no one else will fight for you as I will, not even co-senior rep Gary Li. It’s important to me that the Judiciary Committee serves its purpose to the fullest. In other words, I want everyone to feel that it’s a viable option for students who feel they have been treated unfairly. Due to my two previous years serving on JCOMM, I’m completely comfortable with the ropes and also aware of what is means to be an equitable judge. I know that as a judge the most important trait to embody is impartiality. Both my exposure to various cultures while studying abroad in Spain and my time served, have and will help me to understand and listen to everyone with an unbiased and just opinion. As my peers know, I am a fair and welcoming person that is willing to listen and talk to someone who comes to me for assistance. Past experiences have also taught me that sometimes in school it’s difficult to approach a teacher with a problem. I understand the awkwardness and how your voice may sometimes not be heard. It’s important to me that people don’t feel isolated and have someone to turn to. I promise to everyone that I will be there whenever they need me and to provide helpful insight into their problems. I hope that if I’m elected, I can serve not just as a voice for the students but as a friend who’s there to help.