Update from Council

by Henry Butler, Public Relations Officer 2012-2013

Lots of really interesting things have been happening this year on Council. The Student Life Committee passed the Golden Ticket Motion. The goal is to create an incentive for students to check their email for announcements, which will soon be sent to students as opposed to being read during common ground. The motion plans to give each winner and one friend of their choosing a free pass to all school events, including: plays, sporting events, concerts, and school fundraisers. In addition, a chocolate bar will also be given to the winner, in keeping with the Willy Wonka theme.

A motion limiting the amount of announcements read over the PA system was failed. The Council felt the HHS administration already uses its own discretion for how many announcements are to be read during the day, and the motion was unnecessary.

Students from Economics class have presented a motion detailing a plan to keep the atrium clean. Certain table would be delegated to each of the four grades.  At the end of each day, winter carnival points would be rewarded to the cleanest areas. For seniors, a prize would be awarded if enough points were accumulated between winter carnival and the end of the year. This motion was referred to committee and is still being discussed.

Currently, Council is in the process of developing a motion concerning the amount of homework assigned over long holiday breaks. Good ways to stay informed are the Council Bulletin Board, the Council Facebook Page (facebook.com/hhscouncil), and the Council Twitter Page (twitter.com/hhs_council). If you have any questions or ideas for motions feel free to contact me or any other council representative.


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