Author: ConradK

Meet Becky French – Learning Strategies

by Jessica Buckey Where were you this time last year?  Home . I wasn’t working. Why HHS?  I’m in the third of four generations to graduate from HHS. My grandparents and great uncles graduated...


Meet Shannon Pogue – English Teacher

by Hannah Sobel Where were you this time last year? I was in Boise, Idaho (pronounced Boy-see not Boy-zee) teaching high school English and Senior College Prep. Why HHS?  I moved across the country...

Council Update

By Jennie FrishtickCouncil is in full swing and has been working on the following:  Finding a good location for meeting: You may have seen Council meetings in the atrium—this is part of our attempt...

On The Budget: An Editorial

by Nick Bernold The situation is dire. It may be that not everyone realizes thesituation is such. Maybe some don’t feel implicated by the storm that is brewing. I dearly hope that it is...

Life In Germany: Part I

By Alice Rottersman Germany. Every week things get better and better….and everything was great to start!  According to the show Scrubs, having a child is like having a dog that slowly learns to talk....